
Paccar ITD Story


Paccar ITD Story



Client:  Paccar ITD (Information technology division)

Objective: We were tasked to create 3 new experiences for the newly renovated office for Paccar ITD. Each experience was to highlight a different aspect of ITD. I was tasked to create the experience that highlights the stories and innovation of ITD.

What I did: Prototyping, UX, content strategy, UI

Art Director: Mike Ottmar


User flow

This is the structure of how the experience is cycled through. It would start at home and go through 4 different chapters. If left for a certain amount of time, the experience would auto-play, but when interacted with by an individual, the user would be able to navigate which chapter and story they wished to learn.



A lot of work was spent creating wireframes and prototypes for the experience. Concept 1 layout had a more card system while concept 2 had a slideshow system in mind. 


The final look

Our team landed on using the more card system approach with borrowed elements from concept 2 on the prototypes. We separated sections for the overview pages and the chapter pages instead of having them in a single layout. This decision was taken so that users would not be overwhelmed with information.


We made sure that transitional animations were nice and easy to follow for users. It had to be fast and not obtrusive, but also eloquent.
